TLC provides direct support and resource navigation to individuals seeking recovery and folks impacted by another's addiction. Our trained staff, volunteers, and peer community members want to help.
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AA - LGBTQIA Friendly Mondays 7:00pm In-person: Pleasant St. Entrance
Writing Crafted Group 3rd Tuesday of every month 6:00 PM In-person: Pleasant St Entrance Online: Zoom ID: 852 5877 4291
Below the Surface Wednesday 5:00 PM In-person: Pleasant St Entrance
All Will Be Well NA Group Wednesday 7:30 PM In-person: Broad Street Entrance Online: Zoom ID- 476 126 708 Password- NA Suicide Survivors Group 3rd Wednesday of month 7:00 PM In-person: Pleasant St Entrance
Recovery Arts Fridays 12:00pm In-person: Pleasant St Entrance
Alanon Saturdays 9:00 AM In-person: Pleasant St Entrance
Sex, Love, Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) Saturdays 7:00 PM In-person: Pleasant St. Entrance
Step it up Group (Women’s NA Meeting) Sundays 7:00 PM In-person: Broad St Entrance Online: Zoom ID- 920 5081 4073 Password- NA
Alanon Sundays 7:00 PM In-Person: Pleasant St Entrance Online: Zoom ID- 87571900961 Password- 499354